Visitor information

quarantine-flagThe Fredericton Yacht Club is happy to accommodate visitors. The following information is a guide to the services and fees available to guests of the facilities. If you have any questions about our facilities please contact us

Please see our brochure for more details:
Douglas Harbour’s brochure

Facebook Page

Please Like our Facebook page for information about visitors, mooring available, problems etc…


Long-term docking in Fredericton is only available to members. Brief docking for loading/unloading is available to guests at both  wharves.

Docking in Douglas Harbour on the northern side of the wharf is restricted to be used only for loading or pump-out purposes. Docking on the front or southern sides of the wharf are for members only unless by special arrangement with the Rear-Commodore.

Marc-Antoine Demers (506) 461-4804 – Rear Commodore Douglas Harbour

Mooring Fees

When mooring at FYC facilities in Fredericton or Douglas Harbour, the following fees apply to guests. Fees can be paid in the payment container on the fence of the pump-out station. (or directly to the rear-commodore in the Fredericton facility)

Daily $15
Weekly $75

Note: FYC Members only are entitled to a free mooring at the Fredericton facility and 1 week of free mooring at the Douglas Harbour facility per year.

 Pump-out facilities

Pump-out facilities are available in Douglas Harbour only. Instructions for the use of the pump-out and a payment box are located on the fence of the pump-out station.


Water is available on the wharf of both facilities. FYC does not test water quality at Douglas Harbour,  it should not be assumed to be potable and should be treated accordingly. The water supply in Fredericton is the City`s water system, and the boat yard`s waterlines are PEX; the water is potable at the taps. Users should employ potable water hoses for filing potable water tanks or containers.

Bathroom facilities

The Douglas Harbour facility has bathrooms and showers. Please clean up after yourself as these are member serviced facilities.